Translated Works

Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith By: Robert Shaw

Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith By: Robert Shaw
Pending Works
A Disputation on Holy Scripture
William Whitaker (1548-1595)
Inspiration and Authority of the Scripture
B. B. Warfield (1851-1921)
A Collection of a Theological Student in One Work
- On the Character of a True Theologian, by Herman Witsius (1636 – 1708)
- Christ All in All: The Right Temper for a Theologian, by William Swan Plumer (1802 – 1880)
- The Religious Life of the Theological Student, by B. B. Warfield (1851 – 1921)
Coming Soon!
Stay tuned! This section will feature a growing collection of translated works, ongoing projects, and planned translations. You’ll soon be able to explore completed resources, track current
translations, and see upcoming works in need of support.
Works in Process
List of works the society is currently translating/editing